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InvestChile Talks: “Map of Investment Promotion in OECD Countries”

18-12-2018 8:15 am Salón Blanco, Ministerio de Economía. Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Nº 1449, Piso 11, Santiago.
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As part of the InvestChile Talks, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and InvestChile will be presenting the talk and discussion “Map of Investment Promotion in OECD Countries” by Ana Novik.

It will take place next Tuesday, December 18, at 8.15 am, at the Economy Ministry (Salón Blanco) when the results of the study “Mapping of Investment Promotion Agencies in OECD Countries” will also be presented. Chile is one of the countries included in this study.


Vanessa Séverin

Investment Promotion Executive