Essential information

Ongoing leadership
Sophisticated talent
Entrepreneural Enviroment
A Latin American hub

We are developing today energy for tomorrow, today

We are a natural laboratory for the energy of the future. We have a unique environment accompanied by state-of-the-art policies for the development of new sustainable energy technologies.

Chile’s attributes

Privileged Environment. We have the best conditions for solar energy production in the world; including 4 thousand hours of sunshine per year in our northern regions and the highest levels of solar radiation found anywhere on the planet.
Optimal wind energy potential and operative wind farms may be found all over Chile (Antofagasta, Coquimbo, Biobío, Los Lagos and Magallanes).
Our coastline extends over 4,000 kilometers and provides the perfect conditions to develop marine energy.
The rivers of the center and south of the country provide hydroelectric potential equivalent to 11 GW. The Andes mountain range contains important geothermal energy reserves while Chile’s densely forested southern regions are a source for biomass fuel.

Cutting-Edge. We are a Clean Energy Leader. Public and private energy sector investments focus on diversifying the generation matrix. Our goal is to become a carbon neutral country by 2050, as well as to be known as the world’s future energy laboratory.

Download Energy Industry in Chile eBook

  • Introduction
  • General Features of the Sector
  • Generation
  • Transmission
  • Distribution
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix

Your local contact

Juan Pablo Purcell
Investment Promotion Executive


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