The inflow represented an increase of 176% on the first quarter of 2019. In the first quarter of this year, Chile received US$6,477 million in foreign direct investment (FDI), according to figures released this morning by the Central Bank of Chile. This represented an increase of 176% over the same period last year when the […]
El flujo de capitales extranjeros alcanzó los US$ 6.477 millones, la segunda cifra más alta para el período desde que se tiene registro. El flujo de inversión extranjera directa (IED) que recibió Chile entre enero y marzo de este año alcanzó los US$ 6.477 millones, según las cifras provisorias informadas esta mañana por el Banco […]
Over 170 people participated in the activity, organized together with the Randstad consultancy firm. On Thursday, more than 170 people connected to the InvestChile webinar “New ways of working and labor legislation: what companies should know”. This was InvestChile’s second webinar and was organized in conjunction with the global human resources and employment services consultancy […]
La actividad, organizada en conjunto con la consultora Randstad, contó con más de 170 participantes. Más de 170 participantes se conectaron este jueves al segundo webinar de InvestChile “Nuevas formas de trabajar y legislación laboral: lo que las empresas deben saber”, organizado en conjunto con la consultora de servicios globales de RR.HH. y empleo Randstad, […]
The Agency’s director, Cristián Rodríguez, emphasized the vital role that promoting reinvestment and retaining overseas companies with investments in Chile will play in the economy’s reactivation after the crisis. InvestChile, the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, published its 2019 Public Account this morning. The results are positive: a portfolio of 413 investment projects at […]
Representatives of InvestChile and the Ministry of Finance talked about the challenges for foreign companies and the measures taken by the government during the COVID-19 crisis. This morning, representatives of the binational chambers of commerce and commercial attachés from 17 countries met online for the webinar “Overseas Companies in Chile: Needs and Challenges during the […]
This represented an increase of 346% on the first two months of last year and was the highest figure for the period since comparable records began. In the first two months of this year, Chile received US$4,779 million in foreign direct investment (FDI), according to figures released this morning by the Central Bank of Chile. […]
The Central Bank has made an upward correction to its preliminary figure, raising it by US$1,132 million. In Chile’s National Accounts published in March, the Central Bank has corrected its preliminary figure for foreign direct investment (FDI) in Chile in 2019, raising it to US$11,928 million, equivalent to growth of 63% on 2018. This represented […]
The inflow, which was up by 295% on January 2019, may have reflected the acquisition of companies announced in recent months. In January, Chile received US$4,196 million in foreign direct investment (FDI), according to figures released this morning by the Central Bank of Chile. This represented an increase of 295% on January 2019 when the […]
The book, prepared by the Mining Ministry with the support of InvestChile, was launched at the trade show of the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), the world’s most mining exploration venue. The Chilean government has launched the book “Chile: Leader in metals that facilitate the future”, setting out details of 40 mining […]