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News Archive


November 2018

Economy Minister and InvestChile in investment roadshow in Europe

05 November 2018

Led by Minister José Ramón Valente, the visit included France, Spain, Switzerland and Sweden. The Minister of Economy, Economic Development and Tourism, José Ramón Valente, has completed a five-day visit to Paris, Madrid and Geneva during which he met with around a hundred business people and associations in a bid to attract investment in Chile. […]

October 2018

Cristián Rodríguez Chiffelle takes up position as new director of InvestChile

31 October 2018

In the context of ChileWeek in Beijing, the lawyer Cristián Rodríguez Chiffelle took up his new position as director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, InvestChile. Rodríguez, who was selected through the Civil Service Board system and whose appointment was confirmed by President Sebastián Piñera, studied law at the University of Concepción and holds a […]

Public Works Ministry and InvestChile promote concessions projects worth US$14,600 million in Asia

31 October 2018

Minister Juan Andrés Fontaine and the Director General of Concessions, Hugo Vera, met with Japanese companies in Tokyo during a tour organized by InvestChile that will continue in Singapore and China. In a series of activities in Asia, Minister Juan Andrés Fontaine is promoting the Public Works Ministry’s new portfolio of concessions projects. Including highways, […]

Countdown to Chile Week China 2018

22 October 2018

The week of events to promote Chile will take place between November 1 and 6 and will include activities in Beijing and Shanghai. The delegation will be led by the Minister of Foreign Relations and will include the director of InvestChile and other authorities. On Monday, the Minister of Foreign Relations, Roberto Ampuero, the director […]

InvestChile holds workshop to boost global services industry

17 October 2018

The workshop, attended by representatives of the public and private sectors, placed particular emphasis on factors related to the facilitation of trade in services and on Chile’s advantages and challenges as regards human capital. The well-attended workshop brought together the main players in Chile’s global services industry who discussed the sector’s key challenges together with […]

September 2018

Visit to Canada: InvestChile and Minister Valente close Toronto stock market

05 September 2018

The Economy Minister, the acting director of InvestChile and the director of GPS met with representatives of Canadian companies from different sectors including mining, banking, energy, infrastructure and water services as well as investment and pension funds. The Minister of Economy, Economic Development and Tourism, José Ramón Valente, closed the market this Tuesday at the […]

July 2018

Guatemala’s Economy Minister meets with InvestChile director

27 July 2018

At the meeting, the authorities showed interest in learning about InvestChile’s mission and functions as the state foreign investment promotion agency. This morning, the acting director of InvestChile, Ian Frederick, met with Guatemala’s Economy Minister, Acisclo Valladares, and its Vice-Minister of Foreign Relations, Jairo David Estrada, during their official visit to Chile. At the meeting, […]

InvestChile director meets with representatives of China Three Gorges energy giant

06 July 2018

CTG is the world’s largest hydroelectric operator and one of its largest energy companies. It entered the Chilean market in May 2018 through the acquisition of Atiaia Energía, which forms part of Brazil’s Cornélio Brennan Group. China Three Gorges Corporation (CTG) is the world’s largest hydroelectric operator and one of its largest energy companies. It […]

May 2018

InvestChile participates in world’s largest nutraceuticals trade fair

24 May 2018

The Vitafoods Europe fair, which took place in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 15-17, congregated the key players in the natural and functional ingredients sector. Functional foods or nutraceuticals are a trend internationally and Chile has emerged as a privileged destination for investments in the industry. With 20,000 visitors from 115 countries and over 1,000 exhibitors, […]

April 2018

Public Report: In 2017 InvestChile attracted projects equivalent to US$7,700 million and over 10,000 jobs

27 April 2018

InvestChile’s Acting Director, Ian Frederick, highlighted that each dollar invested in the agency, it contributed US$110 to the country in foreign investment. InvestChile’s acting director, Ian Frederick, indicated that in 2017 the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency  attracted 199 projects by international companies to its portfolio, equivalent to US$7,700 million and over 10,000 jobs. Thirty-one of […]