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News Archive


June 2021

InvestChile Public-Private Council reviews the state of foreign investment in Chile

24 June 2021

The new strategy for attracting investment and the challenges triggered by the pandemic were discussed In a virtual meeting.   The Public-Private Council for Foreign Investment held its first meeting of the year this morning, which was chaired by InvestChile Managing Director Andrés Rodríguez Rowe.  The Council was created under Law 20,848, which established the […]

Minister Palacios calls on foreign investors to continue to have confidence in Chile

07 June 2021

In the webinar “Chile’s Economic Outlook 2021 and Pro-Investment Measures”, the Minister highlighted the role of foreign companies in Chile’s economic recovery.   Over 500 representatives of companies, chambers of commerce and public institutions from all over the world tuned past Thursday for the webinar “Chile’s Economic Outlook 2021 and Pro-Investment Measures”, which was organized […]

InvestChile highlights the success of its digital strategy in its 2020 Public Report

01 June 2021

The pandemic has not stopped InvestChile, which last year carried out 90% of its work remotely and succeeded in improving the performance of its portfolio by 25.2%.   InvestChile, the Chilean government’s Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, presented a summary of the principal work it carried out last year in its 2020 Public Report. In his […]

May 2021

InvestChile presents its 2020 Public Account

28 May 2021

The managing director of InvestChile, Andrés Rodríguez Rowe, presented this afternoon the fifth Public Account of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, corresponding to the year 2020. Check below the video presentation and the document released today (in Spanish). >> Download The 2020 InvestChile Public Account (PDF) 

April 2021

InvestChile promotes strategy to attract Middle Eastern investment funds to Chile

16 April 2021

These funds manage a combined total of more than US$2 trillion. One of InvestChile’s primary areas of focus in 2021 is a new strategy to attract investment from the Middle East. This marks the first time the agency is prioritizing this market. The initiative includes a series of meetings with investment funds that together manage […]

In meetings with Alibaba, Amazon and Tesla: The government’s strategy to attract the foreign investment lost during the pandemic

15 April 2021

InvestChile has developed a five-point plan to search for initiatives that could be developed in Chile, which includes meetings with leading companies from at least 13 different foreign nations. 2020 was a complicated year, with the pandemic strongly affecting different economic variables. One of them was foreign investment, which, according to Central Bank figures, fell […]

InvestChile signs agreement with Magallanes Region to incentivize foreign investment in the area

08 April 2021

The objective is to showcase regional attributes and business opportunities to foreign investors. InvestChile Director, Andrés Rodríguez Rowe, and the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica Regional Governor, Jennifer Rojas, signed an agreement this morning in order to encourage the installation and/or expansion of foreign company projects in the area.  The agreement includes showcasing regional attributes and […]

March 2021

President Piñera highlights Chile as a laboratory for the energy of the future

24 March 2021

In the context of Chile Day Global 2021, the President reflected on how the domestic economy has progressed in recent years and on the impact of the pandemic.   “Chile has become a laboratory for clean and sustainable energy; the energy of the future. For the future of Chile we need to act to address […]

Chile launches a guide with 33 mining projects at the PDAC 2021 virtual Convention

12 March 2021

The document, available in English and Spanish, offers foreign investors opportunities in copper, gold, iron, zinc, and salt. The Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Convention, the world’s premier meeting on mineral exploration and new mining projects, took place virtually for the very first time in 2021. Chile was there as usual, highlighting its […]

February 2021

InvestChile presents investment opportunities to Qatari sovereign wealth fund

27 February 2021

During the last stage of their tour of the Middle East, InvestChile Director Andrés Rodríguez Rowe and International Economic Affairs Undersecretary Rodrigo Yáñez Benítez held a series of meetings in Qatar with the aim of strengthening economic ties between the two nations. The high-level agenda included a presentation by InvestChile to Qatar Investment Authority fund […]